Common Drugs Cause Diabetes and Obesity (within 12 weeks)

Common Drugs Cause Diabetes and Obesity (within 12 weeks)

Despite their serious side effects, the use of these drugs is still rising steeply. A new study from both Washington University and Florida Atlantic University reveals that these drugs not only lead to obesity within 12 weeks of use, but also cause type-2 diabetes and...
This Game Treats Type 2 Diabetes

This Game Treats Type 2 Diabetes

Tackling type 2 diabetes isn’t always fun. You’re told to eat food you don’t like, to exercise more than you want to, and to lose weight that simply doesn’t want to go. But a new study published in JAMA Network Open reveals a simple game that tackles the source of...
This Popular Drink Doubles Stroke Risk

This Popular Drink Doubles Stroke Risk

High blood pressure and type 2 diabetes have been considered the two major risk factors for suffering stroke and/or heart attack. But a new study published in the journal Stroke reveals that one particular popular drink contributes to stroke more drastically than high...
Reverse Diabetes by Doing This Unhealthy Thing

Reverse Diabetes by Doing This Unhealthy Thing

When making decisions about our health, we sometimes need to choose between two evils. Should we, for example, take medication that causes side effects or risk not treating a disease that could potentially kill us? Natural remedies usually provide the best of both...