This Enlarged Prostate Drug Causes Diabetes

This Enlarged Prostate Drug Causes Diabetes

Both benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and diabetes become more common as men age. And if two conditions both become more common as people age, researchers usually conclude that age contributes to both. But a new study published in the Canadian Urological Association...
The Simplest Type-2 Diabetes Treatment

The Simplest Type-2 Diabetes Treatment

Everyone who studies type-2 diabetes agrees that it’s a lifestyle disease. And almost all agree that changing our lifestyle can drastically improve it. However, the various approaches recommended are often complicated and difficult to follow. But a new study just...
Diabetes Caused By This Oil (worse than fructose)

Diabetes Caused By This Oil (worse than fructose)

Fructose in both its natural form (fruit) and its excessively concentrated form (high-fructose corn syrup) has received a reputation for being fattening. In fact, high-fructose corn syrup is often blamed for much of the world’s diabetes epidemic. However, during a...
Drop This To Heal Hemorrhoids

Drop This To Heal Hemorrhoids

When it comes to hemorrhoids, most doctors blame constipation and a lack of fiber. But a new study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found no connection between these commonly blamed factors and hemorrhoids. However, they did find a clear...
How Gum Disease Causes Type-2 Diabetes

How Gum Disease Causes Type-2 Diabetes

Many studies have concluded that people with gum disease have an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease. But a new study in PLOS ONE now takes it a few steps further, concluding that gum disease also causes type-2 diabetes and a decline in muscle strength. The...