To Beat Dementia: Drink This

To Beat Dementia: Drink This

Eight researchers from various American universities have just published a groundbreaking study showing that a very common and popular drink can completely prevent dementia from developing. The good news is that you can get this drink everywhere, and most people love...
For Parkinson’s Disease, Go Against Health Advice

For Parkinson’s Disease, Go Against Health Advice

Parkinson’s disease has no cure. However, it is possible to slow its progression or even stop it completely by making a few simple lifestyle changes. A study published in the journal Neurology proves how one of these lifestyle changes can drastically slow the...
Tackle Memory Loss Using Your Smartphone

Tackle Memory Loss Using Your Smartphone

Some researchers assert that the overuse of digital devices can destroy your memory, potentially leading to early memory loss and even dementia. However, a new study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology proves that the opposite may actually be the case—if you use...
Dementia and Gum Disease Weird Connection

Dementia and Gum Disease Weird Connection

Can gum disease cause dementia? Yes, says a new mega study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Fortunately, there is something that you can do to prevent (or reverse) both gum disease and dementia. As many studies had already been done on oral...
One Dementia Factor That Changes Everything

One Dementia Factor That Changes Everything

Dementia is usually attributed to plaque buildup in your brain. But there’s something that has scientists confused: Some people have lots of plaque and no signs of dementia, whereas others have hardly any and suffer full-blown dementia. So, what is the hidden factor...
A Illegal Herb Halts Dementia

A Illegal Herb Halts Dementia

This herb has been proven to improve and even cure several serious diseases. Next in line: dementia! Three recent studies have found that this herb can halt and even reverse Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. There is only one problem: It is illegal in most...