Parkinson’s Environmental Cure

Parkinson’s Environmental Cure

You have probably been told that Parkinson’s is a genetic disease that you cannot do much about. A new study published in JAMA Network Open counters that opinion. It reveals a simple solution to Parkinson’s disease found in your environment. A team led by researchers...
This Nut Halts Dementia

This Nut Halts Dementia

We know nuts are good for your health. They are packed with nutritional fiber, healthy antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory substances. A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found this one type of nut to slow the progression of...
How Enlarged Prostate Causes Dementia

How Enlarged Prostate Causes Dementia

If you have been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, the odds are good that you will be prescribed the most common drug for this condition. Beware, because a new study in JAMA Network Open reveals that this class of drug increases your risk of dementia by up to 44%...
Parkinson’s Unexpected Cause Discovered

Parkinson’s Unexpected Cause Discovered

Parkinson’s has long been considered a genetic disease about which very little can be done. A new study in the journal npj Biofilms and Microbiomes changes that. It reveals a very preventable cause of Parkinson’s and a possible cure through simple lifestyle changes....
Halt Cognitive Decline as You Age

Halt Cognitive Decline as You Age

Because our brains age, cognitive decline happens in most people after age 70, even those without dementia. A new article in the journal Psychological Science explains how we can slow our rate of cognitive decline after age 70 with a simple, free approach everyone can...
Dementia Caused By Popular Supplement

Dementia Caused By Popular Supplement

Vitamin and mineral supplements can be great and are often highly regarded alternative health treatments recommended by doctors. Sometimes supplements can do more harm than good. This, according to a research team from University of Gothenburg, is true for one of the...