Does This Cosmetic Cures Nail Fungus?

Does This Cosmetic Cures Nail Fungus?

Some doctors warn that polish locks in moisture, creating the perfect environment for fungus. Others claim it acts as a barrier, blocking infection in the first place. A new study in Mycoses put this to the test. The researchers took nail samples from eight volunteers...
Is Enlarged Prostate Caused by Belly Type?

Is Enlarged Prostate Caused by Belly Type?

Frequent bathroom trips? Prostate getting bigger? Part of aging, right? Nope—it’s your belly type, says a new study in BMC Urology. The good news? You can fix this. Researchers analyzed 5,735 men aged 45+, comparing those with and without prostate problems. They...
Why Arthritis Increases Your Death Risk 5X?

Why Arthritis Increases Your Death Risk 5X?

Arthritis is just stiff joints and pain, right? Nope, says a new study in Frontiers in Public Health. It reveals a hidden danger that makes arthritis sufferers five times more likely to die early. And it has nothing to do with joint damage. Fortunately, you can...
A Simple Food Swap Drops Cholesterol 12%

A Simple Food Swap Drops Cholesterol 12%

Lowering cholesterol doesn’t have to mean cutting out your favorite foods or eating bland meals. One ridiculously easy food swap drops your LDL (bad) cholesterol by 12% in just weeks—without changing anything else. Plus, it tastes amazing. This is according to a new...
Everyday Food Fixes Sleep Apnea

Everyday Food Fixes Sleep Apnea

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you may have been advised to lose weight and eat healthy. But a new study in Sleep Medicine points in a different direction. Just load up on one specific everyday food (a fatty food, for that matter, sometimes considered unhealthy, but...
Diabetes and Hemorrhoids: Terrifying Connection

Diabetes and Hemorrhoids: Terrifying Connection

There’s a terrifying connection between hemorrhoids and type 2 diabetes, according to a new study in Life. If you suffer from either (or both) conditions, you absolutely must know about this. Researchers at Erzurum Regional Training and Research Hospital analyzed 752...