This Song Reverses Parkinson’s

This Song Reverses Parkinson’s

How can a song reverse an ‘incurable’ disease like Parkinson’s? Sounds impossible! But a new study published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies shows exactly how this happens – and how you can do the same. The authors of this study recruited 13 people...
Eat This Ingredient Alive To Drop Blood Pressure

Eat This Ingredient Alive To Drop Blood Pressure

If it’s dead, it’s no good. But if it’s alive, it’ll send your blood pressure racing downwards. It’s an ingredient that you can easily find in your supermarket and health food store. Eat it for more than 2 months, and you’ll have drastic reductions in blood pressure....
Heart Healthier: Veggie Burgers or Meat Burgers?

Heart Healthier: Veggie Burgers or Meat Burgers?

Meat, especially processed meat, has had quite a bad press lately, especially in connection to heart health. This has led to a huge spike in vegetarian substitutes such as veggie burgers, sausages, patties etc. The problem is that these veggie alternatives are often...
Hemorrhoids Co-Occurs with This Pelvic Floor Condition

Hemorrhoids Co-Occurs with This Pelvic Floor Condition

As if having Hemorrhoids alone wasn’t bad enough, a new study published in the Journal of Women’s Health demonstrates another horrendous condition affecting the pelvic floor area. But are these two conditions connected or do they just co-occur? That’s the big...
Acid Reflux And Constipation, (Chicken or the Egg?)

Acid Reflux And Constipation, (Chicken or the Egg?)

Those suffering acid reflux often tend to also suffer constipation. Researchers have often written this off as the side effects of acid reflux medications, specifically PPIs. A new study published in journal Esophagus put this theory to a test and the results were...