Diabetes Caused By This Oil (worse than fructose)

Diabetes Caused By This Oil (worse than fructose)

Fructose in both its natural form (fruit) and its excessively concentrated form (high-fructose corn syrup) has received a reputation for being fattening. In fact, high-fructose corn syrup is often blamed for much of the world’s diabetes epidemic. However, during a...
This Plant Treats Neuropathy

This Plant Treats Neuropathy

Neuropathy is rising steeply. And the traditional medical system has no solutions. But a new study just published in the Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism shows that a solution is now in the cards in the form of a plant. This plant was cursed by authorities but...
One Factor Spikes Arthritis by 36%

One Factor Spikes Arthritis by 36%

A new study from Iceland and Sweden published in JAMA reveals one factor that can increase the risk of arthritis by a scary 36%. What’s more, by managing this factor, you can avoid arthritis flare-ups. To obtain their data, these researchers analyzed information...
Osteoporosis Caused By This Common Drink

Osteoporosis Caused By This Common Drink

This is one of the most controversial drinks out there. Some studies have found it to be very beneficial to health, while others claim that it is life-threatening. And almost everyone drinks it and loves it. But a new study in the British Journal of Clinical...
This Spikes Blood Pressure—When Done Moderately

This Spikes Blood Pressure—When Done Moderately

When trying to balance lifestyle choices for optimum health, there is often conflicting advice on which foods and drinks are best and in what quantities. A new study shows how a drink that was previously proven to lower blood pressure can actually raise it if you...
Drop This To Heal Hemorrhoids

Drop This To Heal Hemorrhoids

When it comes to hemorrhoids, most doctors blame constipation and a lack of fiber. But a new study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found no connection between these commonly blamed factors and hemorrhoids. However, they did find a clear...