These Five Things Beat Acid Reflux

These Five Things Beat Acid Reflux

Acid-reflux drugs are incredibly unhealthy, even life-threatening, since they prevent your body from absorbing essential nutrients and can cause a wide range of conditions from depression to stomach cancer. That is why a new study in the JAMA Internal Medicine...
One Item Cures Acid Reflux

One Item Cures Acid Reflux

If you have been suffering from acid reflux for some time, it’s likely that you’ve developed a sense of which foods make the problem worse. A new study published in the Journal of the Formosan Medical Association pinpoints how cutting out just one specific food item...
5 Things That Eliminate Acid Reflux

5 Things That Eliminate Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a serious condition that can cause numerous lethal diseases. That’s probably the reason that many doctors jump to immediately prescribing medications. Unfortunately, these medications have proven to be more dangerous than the acid reflux itself. So, we...
Cause and Cure for Acid Reflux Discovered

Cause and Cure for Acid Reflux Discovered

Around 20% of the population suffers from acid reflux. The traditional medical system has no solution except popping PPI pills, which can cause serious side effects—from stomach cancer to depression. This is a shame, because a new study published in in the journal...
Easiest Way To Avoid Acid Reflux

Easiest Way To Avoid Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can be horrible. So, it’s no wonder that people try a lot of things to avoid it. Eat this, don’t eat that, take this mixture. The approaches are numerous, but they rarely help. So you’ll celebrate a new study published in the journal Neurogastroenterology...