These Plants Heal Neuropathy

These Plants Heal Neuropathy

Neuropathy is a progressive disease with no cure provided by the traditional medical system. But a new study in the American Journal of Translational Research reveals that two plants can drastically improve, if not heal, neuropathy. Baicalin is a flavonoid derived...
Parkinson’s Is Caused By This Environmental Factor

Parkinson’s Is Caused By This Environmental Factor

The traditional medical system generally blames genetics almost 100 percent for the onset of Parkinson’s. But the journal JAMA Neurology has just published a study that proves that a specific environmental factor is just as much — or even more — to blame. Which means...
Hypothyroidism And Obesity: Which Causes Which?

Hypothyroidism And Obesity: Which Causes Which?

It has become general knowledge that hypothyroidism causes obesity. But many researchers have recently tried to investigate whether the relationship could work the other way around, with obesity actually causing hypothyroidism. The latest contribution to this field is...
This Game Treats Type 2 Diabetes

This Game Treats Type 2 Diabetes

Tackling type 2 diabetes isn’t always fun. You’re told to eat food you don’t like, to exercise more than you want to, and to lose weight that simply doesn’t want to go. But a new study published in JAMA Network Open reveals a simple game that tackles the source of...
Yummy Treat Reverses NAFLD (Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)

Yummy Treat Reverses NAFLD (Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)

Most diet recommendations for managing modern diseases force you to eat food that you probably don’t like so much, right? That’s why a new study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry should make you happy, because it proves that consuming a specific yummy treat...