Illegal Herb Halts Dementia

Illegal Herb Halts Dementia

This herb has been proven to improve and even cure several serious diseases. Next in line: dementia! Because three recent studies have proved that this herb can halt and even reverse Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. There is only one problem: this herb is...
High Blood Pressure Cured with This Ancient Technique

High Blood Pressure Cured with This Ancient Technique

Heart-related illnesses are at epidemic levels all over the world. Millions have high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems, and when most of them visit the doctor they come away with powerful medicines that can cause troublesome side-effects. But science and...
The Best Dementia Exercise Revealed (study)

The Best Dementia Exercise Revealed (study)

Blood flow to the brain gets worse with age, and this is what causes most cases of dementia. Simply put, if your brain doesn’t receive enough blood, then it doesn’t work as well. Exercise is one of the best ways to increase cerebral blood flow—which is why...
ED Caused By This Every Day Drink

ED Caused By This Every Day Drink

Research from the University of Copenhagen published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has come as a shock to some. It originally set out to look at the effects of a very popular type of soda on the sperm health of 2,554 young Danish men. But it ended up...
How High Blood Pressure Causes Cancer

How High Blood Pressure Causes Cancer

It’s great to know that more people than ever before are beating cancer and that we’re now more educated than ever about the positive diet and lifestyle choices which can reduce the risk of it developing in the first place. Now, we don’t want to sound the alarm, but...