This One Ingredient Causes AlzheimerEvery time we read “new” Alzheimer’s research, it’s just the same old thing. It focuses on the genetic factors and doesn’t tell us anything new.

Little if any attention has been paid to the connection between Alzheimer’s and the lifestyle choices we make, especially diet ones.

But recent research from scientists from the University of Bath and King’s College has found one common ingredient that has been holding Alzheimer’s hostage and even helping it manifest.

Researchers examined samples of brain matter of people with and without Alzheimer’s to reveal the damage high blood sugar causes proteins and immune cells.

When sugar (or glucose) reaches your bloodstream, many of its molecules bind to protein molecules in a process called glycation.

Not only can glycation damage proteins, the byproducts of the glycation process like beta-amyloid that causes brain plaque buildup are also harmful. This suggests that too much dietary sugar contributes to Alzheimer’s.

But researchers also discovered another extremely harmful effect of glycation – at the onset of Alzheimer’s disease – it damages an enzyme called macrophage migration inhibitory factor (or MIF).

MIF enzymes are a part of your immune system. When abnormal proteins start to build up in your brain, MIF enzymes are supposed to help remove them and/or limit potential damage. But when damaged, they can’t prevent abnormal protein plaque buildup of the brain, which is how the disease gets going.

In short, if you eat too many simple sugars that build up as glucose in your bloodstream, glycation becomes likelier, putting you more at risk from Alzheimer’s.

Cutting out or cutting down on sugar is a must for optimal health, but this alone won’t reverse your Alzheimer’s. To do this, you need to follow these simple exercises that not only slow down but also reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s in as little as 21 days…