This Drink Protects Your Kidneys

This Drink Protects Your Kidneys

Almost everyone loves this drink. But it’s been quite controversial throughout the years. Some studies say it’s healthy, others it’s not. However, a new study published in the journal Kidney International clearly reveals that, at least for your kidneys, this drink is...
This Standard Osteoporosis Treatment Is Deadly

This Standard Osteoporosis Treatment Is Deadly

This has been the standard treatment for osteoporosis for postmenopausal women for decades. It is often touted as a completely natural and safe approach. But a new report that has just been released by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force again reveals a dark...
This Food Improves Arthritis 55%

This Food Improves Arthritis 55%

You no doubt already know how painful and limiting arthritis is. And you’re probably well aware that the only effective treatment options are life-threatening opioid and corticosteroid. So we welcome a new study in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine revealing...
The Salt / Kidney Disease Myth Busted

The Salt / Kidney Disease Myth Busted

If you’re at risk or suffering chronic kidney disease (CKD), you’ve probably been told to cut down on salt. But according to a new study in the journal BMC Nephrology, this is completely wrong. It’s not about eating less salt but rather loading up on another type of...
This Protein Treats Osteoporosis

This Protein Treats Osteoporosis

Bisphosphonates are currently widely prescribed for osteoporosis, but they are not always effective and they have unpleasant side effects. A study has just appeared in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism that shows how a specific natural protein...