This Fat Drops Blood Pressure And Cholesterol

This Fat Drops Blood Pressure And Cholesterol

When addressing heart health, we’re often told to cut down on fat. But not today. And two is better than one, because you’re going to learn about how blending two powerful oils can drop your blood pressure 14 points and LDL cholesterol 26%. Researchers in India have...
This Plant Compound Combats Gout

This Plant Compound Combats Gout

Gout is extremely painful and potentially disabling when many or large joints are affected. This is why a new study in the British Journal of Pharmacology is so promising, as it shows that a natural organic compound found in almost all supermarkets works as well as...
Is ED Caused By The Mind?

Is ED Caused By The Mind?

The medical system often focuses on testosterone, narrowing on the arteries and other physical symptoms when diagnosing ED. But there is more to it than that. You may know that ED is more common in men who suffer from depression and anxiety, but a study in the journal...
One Vitamin Lowers Blood Pressure and Reduces Fat

One Vitamin Lowers Blood Pressure and Reduces Fat

We have written many times about the importance of vitamins E and D to support good cardiovascular health. But there is another, even more common vitamin that has now been proven by researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine to drastically lower blood pressure...