MS? The cause finally found

MS? The cause finally found

The underlying cause of MS may finally have been discovered in a new study in Cell Reports – and it’s remarkably simple. What’s more, the solution may be even simpler. Everyone can do this themselves. If this is true, it will change everything for MS treatment. MS...
This Trendy Drink Tackles Alzheimer’s (at the root)

This Trendy Drink Tackles Alzheimer’s (at the root)

The medical system has absolutely no medical solutions for Alzheimer’s. They can’t even agree on what causes it. So the results of a new study published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience come as a pleasant surprise. Because a specific drink that most people love was...
This Food Drops Cholesterol by 20%

This Food Drops Cholesterol by 20%

A recent study by Harvard, Brigham, and Women’s Hospital has proven that making this one diet change reduces… • heart attack risk by 28%, • inflammation by 29%, • LDL (bad) cholesterol) by 20%. Plus, it lowers blood sugar levels (as in type-2...
This Hypothyroid drug causes Osteoporosis

This Hypothyroid drug causes Osteoporosis

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common health issues, but treating it is very simple. Doctors use “safe” medication that boosts thyroid hormone production. Except, this medication is not safe, according to a new study presented at the Annual Meeting of the...
This diet repairs diabetes damage

This diet repairs diabetes damage

Doctors say type 2 diabetes can only be managed — not cured. But what if that’s not true? A new Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism study reveals how a specific diet doesn’t just manage diabetes — it reverses all symptoms and repairs the damage already...
This leaf heals Hemorrhoids

This leaf heals Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are uncomfortable and, let’s face it, embarrassing. We try medicine, creams, sitz baths, even surgery — no success. But what if a natural remedy that can eliminate your Hemorrhoids was already sitting in your spice rack? A new study in the Journal of...
Sleep Apnea? You’re missing this vitamin

Sleep Apnea? You’re missing this vitamin

Sleep apnea is caused by obesity, right? Only sometimes says a new study in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery… often, you’re just missing one common vitamin. And if body weight plays a role in your sleep apnea, lacking this vitamin makes it much worse. So...
Terrifying Acid Reflux and Blood Pressure Link Discovered

Terrifying Acid Reflux and Blood Pressure Link Discovered

So you wake up in your bed with this gut-wrenching acid reflux – and as bad as it is, you think that’s the worst of it. Then you go to your doctor’s office, who says your blood pressure is high. But neither you or your doctor have any idea that your acid reflux...
Reverse ED instantly (100% factor)

Reverse ED instantly (100% factor)

Make this one change to instantly improve or heal your ED – according to a new study in the International Journal of Impotence Research. Tackle this single biggest measurable risk factor of ED without the need for doctors or drugs. In fact, most men do this on their...
How to walk to ease arthritis 69%

How to walk to ease arthritis 69%

Do you ever think about how you walk? Most people don’t. But that’s a mistake, according to a new study in Scientific Reports. Because how you walk (and how you should never walk) can make a 69% difference in your arthritis pain. That’s a lot. Using genetic data from...