This Natural Resource Cures High Blood Pressure

This Natural Resource Cures High Blood Pressure

Forget the awful and endless side effects conventional blood pressure drugs cause, there’s something even more shocking about them – in most cases they don’t even work and fail to reduce blood pressure to a healthy level, leading us to believe that doctors have been...
Not Eating This Food Group Causes High Blood Pressure

Not Eating This Food Group Causes High Blood Pressure

It’s a fact that there are certain foods that have a positive effect on blood pressure, one in particular. And it starts with having healthier gut bacteria. This led researchers from Monash University in Australia to conduct what has been described as an “ingenious”...
The Real Cause and Cure of Sleep Apnea

The Real Cause and Cure of Sleep Apnea

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you’ve probably heard or read that weight loss is one of the best remedies. However, until now, researchers could never explain why, which led us to question how credible their words were. Now finally a new study published in the...
How A Sunny Day Lowers Your Blood Pressure To Normal

How A Sunny Day Lowers Your Blood Pressure To Normal

“Stay out of the sun!” These are often words we hear from the doctors. “It causes cancer”, are the words that usually follow next. And we do what they say – because they’re doctors – and they know best, right? Maybe not! A recent study published in The Journal of the...