How A Sunny Day Lowers Your Blood Pressure To Normal

How A Sunny Day Lowers Your Blood Pressure To Normal

“Stay out of the sun!” These are often words we hear from the doctors. “It causes cancer”, are the words that usually follow next. And we do what they say – because they’re doctors – and they know best, right? Maybe not! A recent study published in The Journal of the...
To Fight ED, Should You Do This or That?

To Fight ED, Should You Do This or That?

Low testosterone level leads to ED. Being overweight lowers testosterone levels. High blood sugar (type 2 diabetes) also lowers testosterone levels. So, to raise testosterone levels, and combat ED, is it more effective to lose weight or lower blood sugar? A new study...
Is Your Vertigo All In Your Head?

Is Your Vertigo All In Your Head?

One of the worst responses anyone gets from their doctor is being told, “it’s all in your head.” And when it comes to vertigo, especially unexplainable vertigo, this is too often the response. So, a recent study in The Journal of Surgery and Medicine has attempted to...