Cholesterol drops with common Asian food

Cholesterol drops with common Asian food

One specific Asian food lowers bad cholesterol, raises good cholesterol and burns body fat, according to a new study in the Journal of Functional Foods. It’s also dirt-cheap, delicious and sold in all supermarkets. Our gut bacteria play a major role in storing fat,...
Is Vertigo caused by your work?

Is Vertigo caused by your work?

If you can avoid one irrelevant part of your work, you can eliminate your vertigo forever. This is according to a new study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. Vertigo can arise from various conditions, such as Meniere’s disease, vestibular migraine, or benign...
A Delicious Food Destroys Dementia

A Delicious Food Destroys Dementia

A new study published in the journal Neurology reveals that eating this delicious food 2-3 times a week significantly lowers your likelihood of suffering from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. We’ve all heard that omega-3 oil is heart-healthy. Furthermore, what...
A study proves viral Sleep Apnea hack

A study proves viral Sleep Apnea hack

Sensible people are skeptical about viral things on YouTube, Instagram and especially TikTok. But writing them off might mean lost opportunities. And there’s a very interesting sleep apnea hack trending these days. Claimed to eliminate sleep apnea the very first...
This Alcohol Causes Arthritis, While Another One Cures It

This Alcohol Causes Arthritis, While Another One Cures It

Like many people, you might be heeding the widely touted advice to consume moderate amounts of red wine for the sake of your heart. But can alcohol affect arthritis? As it turns out, the types of alcoholic beverages you choose to imbibe can, indeed, influence your...
Enlarged Prostate’s Emotional Side

Enlarged Prostate’s Emotional Side

We usually focus on the physical discomfort of an enlarged prostate. The emotional toll is even more important. A new study in the IDOSR Journal of Scientific Research addresses this toll. They list 9 emotional challenges of an enlarged prostate. And these can be even...
This Protein Fights Hypothyroidism Naturally

This Protein Fights Hypothyroidism Naturally

The worst thing about Hypothyroidism isn´t what´s happening to your thyroid. It´s how lack of thyroid hormone affects the rest of your body. A new study in Food & Function reveals how the body of people with hypothyroidism is breaking down cell by cell. That´s...
Gout relief: one food eases it by 33%

Gout relief: one food eases it by 33%

If you’re dealing with gout, you’ve probably been told to stay away from a certain type of food. This is a tragic mistake says a new study in the journal Nutrients. Because this “toe-inflaming” food will, in reality, reduce your gout by a whopping 33%… if you...
Chronic Bronchitis Down by 45%: One Food Swap

Chronic Bronchitis Down by 45%: One Food Swap

Chronic bronchitis is tough to live with – and tougher to treat. But a recent study published in PLOS ONE reveals a simple solution… Add a common food type to your daily diet and lower chronic bronchitis rates by 45%. This food is already sitting in your kitchen...