Chronic Kidney Disease Caused By This Common Food

Chronic Kidney Disease Caused By This Common Food

It’s a fact that chronic kidney disease (CKD) is at least partly caused by diet and lifestyle factors. But doctors struggle to identify what food is the biggest culprit. A new study in the journal Kidney Medicine reveals a common type of food that’s a serious...
How Neuropathy Turns Lethal

How Neuropathy Turns Lethal

The occurrence of neuropathy has been rising rapidly in recent decades. However, it’s often overlooked as a disease in itself and just considered an annoying consequence of diabetes. A new study by the American Board of Family Medicine changes this by revealing two...
Is Your Hypothyroidism Misdiagnosed? (90% Chance)

Is Your Hypothyroidism Misdiagnosed? (90% Chance)

Levothyroxine, a drug used to treat hypothyroidism, is prescribed for 23 million Americans every year. In Clinical Chemistry, a Yale scientist warns that up to 90% of it might be completely unnecessary and based on a common cause of misdiagnosis. When more than 10% of...
Vertigo Caused By This Popular Technology

Vertigo Caused By This Popular Technology

Technology is great, but not when it causes vertigo. A new study presented at the latest IEEE Conference reveals how a growingly popular technology causes vertigo for many who use it. Strangely, however, this is drastically more true for one gender than the other....
The Greatest Diabetes Risk Factors Discovered

The Greatest Diabetes Risk Factors Discovered

Type 2 diabetes is considered a lifestyle disease, meaning that it’s caused primarily by our modern Western lifestyle. What exactly about our modern lifestyle causes type 2 diabetes, and how can we avoid it? That’s the burning question a new study in Nature Medicine...
This Mineral Lowers High Blood Pressure (New Study)

This Mineral Lowers High Blood Pressure (New Study)

If you love salty food, you’ll love today’s article. A study published in the American Journal of Physiology proves that eating a lot of another mineral gives you a free pass on salt. This common mineral forces your blood pressure down whether or not you consume a lot...
Parkinson’s Caused By This Organ Removal

Parkinson’s Caused By This Organ Removal

Sometimes researchers find the weirdest and most unlikely connections that seemingly have nothing to do with each other. One such connection, which was published in the journal Gastroenterology, was recently made with Parkinson’s and what would seem like a body part...
Common Enlarged Prostate Drugs Kill

Common Enlarged Prostate Drugs Kill

This is the most common drug prescribed for enlarged prostate. You’re most likely taking it already or will be pushed by your doctor to take it. It is meant to shrink the prostate, but a new study in European Urology Open Science warns that it kills in the most...
Changing Country Heals Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Changing Country Heals Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

It’s well known that the typical American diet, high in fat, sugar, processed foods, and red meat, poses a risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). So, what should we eat instead to tackle NAFLD? A team of researchers has tested the effects of a diet from...