Arthritis Caused By This Everyday Food

Arthritis Caused By This Everyday Food

Osteoarthritis is sometimes called wear-and-tear arthritis. It occurs when the cartilage in your joints wears away and causes the surrounding bones to rub against each other. The medical system claims that this is caused by strain on the joints, like working in jobs...
Genetic Gout Prevented With This Drink

Genetic Gout Prevented With This Drink

The traditional medical system has no cure for gout. Its only suggestion is to cut out a few food items, such as red meat and alcohol. However, two new studies have appeared in scientific journals revealing a specific drink that can drastically tackle gout. By...
This Food Improves Osteoporosis by 54%

This Food Improves Osteoporosis by 54%

Since medications for osteoporosis have proven themselves almost useless, more and more studies are focusing on diet as a prevention and treatment option. A new study in Osteoporosis International reveals one type of food that has an amazing 54% positive impact on...
This Natural Vertigo Treatment Works Better Than Drugs

This Natural Vertigo Treatment Works Better Than Drugs

A new study in the International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery put two vertigo treatments head-to-head: 1) Vertigo medications (with potential side effects) 2) A specific, simple, natural approach (with no side effects). The clear winner was...
Drop Blood Pressure In 2 Minutes

Drop Blood Pressure In 2 Minutes

Did you know that lowering your high blood pressure can be as easy as changing one habit in only two minutes a day? It seems too easy to be true, right? But there is science behind this claim. Scientists in South Korea looked at the impact of poor dental hygiene on...
Hypothyroidism? You’re Lacking This Essential Vitamin

Hypothyroidism? You’re Lacking This Essential Vitamin

Hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones, is characterized by fatigue, weakness, and brain fog. It’s often considered to be caused by inflammation, and the traditional medical system has no solution for it other...
Heal Acid Reflux In Your Sleep

Heal Acid Reflux In Your Sleep

You’re probably not aware of it, but if you suffer from acid reflux, you probably also have sleep apnea. According to a new study in ERJ Open Research, by addressing your sleep apnea in the right way, you can also eliminate your acid reflux. Fortunately, this is not...
Diabetes and Nail Fungus: Shocking Connection

Diabetes and Nail Fungus: Shocking Connection

Diabetics have many health concerns. Nail fungus may often be ignored as among the less severe of these concerns. It shouldn’t be, though, because it can be life-threatening. A new study in Square addresses this concern and reveals some shocking facts. The scientists...
When Exercising Causes Heart Attack And Stroke

When Exercising Causes Heart Attack And Stroke

Diet and exercise are the two things you have always been told to do to prevent strokes and heart attacks, along with lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Slow down! According to a new study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, exercising can increase your...
ED and Diabetes—A Terrifying Connection

ED and Diabetes—A Terrifying Connection

If you’re a man suffering from ED, you may think that although it sucks, at least it’s not life-threatening. Think again! A new study in Preventive Medicine reveals a terrifying connection between ED and type 2 diabetes—A connection you need to know about today!...