Is ED a Physical, Emotional or Mental Problem?

Is ED a Physical, Emotional or Mental Problem?

For many people, the mention of erectile dysfunction (ED) immediately brings to mind issues of physical health, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease are well-known risk factors. But what about the psychological side of this common condition?...
Acid Reflux and Sleep: A Terrifying Connection

Acid Reflux and Sleep: A Terrifying Connection

If you suffer from acid reflux while you sleep, you already know that it can be very disruptive. But you may not be aware of the extent to which it affects your overall health. A new study in JAMA Network Open researched the connection between acid reflux and sleep....
Cut Stroke Risk by 40% with this Delicious Snack

Cut Stroke Risk by 40% with this Delicious Snack

If you could take a magic pill that caused absolutely no side effects and cut your risk of suffering stroke and heart attack in half, wouldn’t you take it? How about if there was one small, delicious snack that had the same effects? You can find this snack in every...
Unrelated Pill Tackles Arthritis

Unrelated Pill Tackles Arthritis

The pharmaceutical search for an effective arthritis medication has been very bumpy, to say the least. Several drugs have been pulled off the market after being proven to be both useless and dangerous. But maybe a pill already exists that can prevent arthritis? One...
This Candy Cures Type 2 Diabetes

This Candy Cures Type 2 Diabetes

Too often when talking about healthy living, we must give up on the food and things we love the most. So, I love it when new studies come out proving the most delicious things to be healthy. A new study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry reveals a...
This Spice Treats Nail Fungus

This Spice Treats Nail Fungus

Fungal nail infections are one of the most stubborn conditions to treat. But what if a potential treatment was hiding in our kitchen cabinets? A recent and as yet unpublished study available on the Authorea Preprints platform reveals a common spice, found in all...
Treat Osteoporosis with this Plant

Treat Osteoporosis with this Plant

A recent study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry discovered an ingredient found in many plants that can drastically improve osteoporosis. Strangely, however, it’s important to not consume too much of this ingredient. That will eliminate all of the...
This “Bad” Ingredient Cuts Blood Pressure in Half

This “Bad” Ingredient Cuts Blood Pressure in Half

Now this may go against everything you’ve ever heard about how to lower blood pressure. In fact, if you’ve ever had your suspicions, this may prove that you were right all along and the doctors and other “health experts” were leading you the wrong way by telling you...
Fatty Liver Disease Healed: Specific Ingredient

Fatty Liver Disease Healed: Specific Ingredient

The usual advice given to sufferers of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is to lose weight and to eat less of this or that. But a new study in Cell Metabolism states the opposite. To heal NAFLD, eat as much as you can of a specific, everyday ingredient. Best...
Parkinson’s Disease Blocked by This Popular Drink

Parkinson’s Disease Blocked by This Popular Drink

Some people are genetically more vulnerable to Parkinson’s disease than others. And the medical system claims there is little you can do to protect yourself if you are. But a new study published in the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology now shows...