Why you suffer ED (and how to heal it)

Why you suffer ED (and how to heal it)

A new study published in Scientific Reports reveals the leading causes of ED and most of them are easy to fix. The study used data from the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2019, focusing on men aged 18 and above. To gauge the presence and severity of ED, the...
This ‘heart healthy’ vitamin causes heart attack

This ‘heart healthy’ vitamin causes heart attack

This vitamin has long been hailed as a cholesterol lowering miracle and recommended by thousands of health practitioners. Now, however, a new study published in the journal Nature Medicine reveals that this ‘heart healthy’ vitamin causes heart attack. The Cleveland...
This vitamin treats vertigo (most types)

This vitamin treats vertigo (most types)

Lacking one type of vitamin is the leading cause of most types of vertigo according to a new study published in the journal Cureus. What’s more, taking this cheap (sometimes free) vitamin may immediately eliminate your vertigo attacks. The researchers analyzed several...
Parkinson’s disease reversed (simple exercise)

Parkinson’s disease reversed (simple exercise)

For years, the medical community has been on an unsuccessful quest for effective treatments that go beyond merely managing Parkinson’s disease symptoms. Now we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Because a new study in the journal npj Parkinson’s...
This Diet Prevents Alzheimer’s (But Don’t Cheat)

This Diet Prevents Alzheimer’s (But Don’t Cheat)

There is one type of diet that has repeatedly been proven to prevent or even reverse Alzheimer’s disease. But it may not always be the easiest diet to follow. Scientists from the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago decided to research how much could you cheat on...
This Leaf Heals Gout (beats drugs)

This Leaf Heals Gout (beats drugs)

In a new study, this leaf was proven to be just as effective as leading gout drugs, but without any side effects. What’s more, if you’re lucky enough, this leaf may grow wild near you. If not, you can get extracts with the same benefits at your local health food...
Chronic kidney disease’s fatal season

Chronic kidney disease’s fatal season

If you want to improve your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) using lifestyle changes, you’re probably thinking of food and exercise. And those are important factors. A new study in the Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, however, reveals an even more important...
Underlying cause of MS discovered

Underlying cause of MS discovered

Multiple sclerosis (MS), a disabling disease in which our bodies destroy their own brains and spinal cords, has puzzled scientists for years. Why would our immune system overreact to normal body tissue and mistakenly start destroying some of our healthy and...
Why gum disease turns lethal (warning)

Why gum disease turns lethal (warning)

Imagine having a heart attack, but your body struggles to repair the damage because of bad breath, putting you at great risk of a second heart attack… this time lethal. Sounds strange that your gums can cause this, doesn’t it? But this is exactly what happens if you...