Cheap Vitamin Heals ED In Men

Cheap Vitamin Heals ED In Men

I have good news for men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED). Researchers from the University of Milan in Italy have discovered that men suffering severe ED are lacking one essential vitamin. This vitamin is either cheap or free, depending on where in the world...
This sound heals neuropathy (study)

This sound heals neuropathy (study)

A specific sound can drastically improve neuropathy according to a new study in the journal Supportive Care. Best of all, you can do this at home. Conducted in Vienna, Austria, the researchers recruited patients with colorectal cancer experiencing nerve pain after...
How hypothyroidism causes depression (warning)

How hypothyroidism causes depression (warning)

The causes of depression are complex, but it’s known that physical health conditions can play a role. One such condition is hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones. Not all types of hypothyroidism are made the same. A study...
To cure sleep apnea don’t lose (this) weight

To cure sleep apnea don’t lose (this) weight

Obesity is commonly believed to be one of the strongest predictors of sleep apnea. And losing weight is therefore the answer, right? Not necessarily says a new study published in Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity. There are many ways to define the categories of...
This bitter veg shrinks prostates

This bitter veg shrinks prostates

It’s bitter and chewy but according to a new study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences it shrinks your prostate on a cellular level. Enlarged prostate is a condition where prostate cells grow and multiply without any biological use, leading to...
Most powerful blood pressure veggie on earth

Most powerful blood pressure veggie on earth

Researchers are proving again how one incredible vegetable ends high blood pressure even more effectively than prescription medications. And it’s not only alternative health and wellness experts or natural healers who are singing its praises. Experts and scientists in...
This fruit treats arthritis (delicious)

This fruit treats arthritis (delicious)

There is currently no medication that can reverse arthritis. And those used come with a long list of side effects. That’s why we welcome a new study proving amazing effectiveness of one delicious juice to reduce inflammation and swelling in arthritis patients. A team...
The Dangers of Nail Fungus

The Dangers of Nail Fungus

Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, is such a common infection of the nails that one would think both doctors and their patients take it fairly seriously. However, according to a study in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, most doctors just brush it aside when they see...
These Foods Treat Parkinson’s Disease

These Foods Treat Parkinson’s Disease

If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, your brain is starving for one specific ingredient. This is according to a new study in the journal ACS Chemical Neuroscience. The best part about this is that there are ton of delicious foods that can load your...
Untreatable Vertigo Cured

Untreatable Vertigo Cured

If you have been suffering vertigo for a while and no treatment options worked, chances are that you have an underlying Ménière’s disease. Ménière’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that can lead to vertigo and hearing loss. Worst of all, it is extremely...