These Beans Lower Blood Pressure and Boost Health

These Beans Lower Blood Pressure and Boost Health

Beans have long been praised for various health benefits. But a new study from Mexico shows exactly how one particular type of bean beats high blood pressure with a knock out. Not only does it load your body with antioxidants that lower blood pressure, it also removes...
Special Sitting Lowers Blood Pressure 7 Points

Special Sitting Lowers Blood Pressure 7 Points

Sometimes sitting can be more effective than exercising to lower blood pressure, as proven in a new study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension. In fact, this special type of sitting instantly lowered the study participant’s blood pressure 7 points in 30...
Specific City/Town Design Lowers Blood Pressure

Specific City/Town Design Lowers Blood Pressure

City and town design is usually considered a beauty issue rather than a health issue. But a new study published in the latest International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health shows that living in the right kind of city design can significantly lower your...
The Most Delicious High Blood Pressure Diet

The Most Delicious High Blood Pressure Diet

The American Heart Association (AHA) and American Stroke Association (ASA) recently released an update to their guidelines to lower blood pressure. For the first time, they recommended a diet other than their recent obsession, the DASH diet, for this purpose. And this...
To Cure All Disease, Eat Like a Viking

To Cure All Disease, Eat Like a Viking

How about losing 5 kg (10 pounds), and at the same time bringing your blood pressure down drastically, and healing inflammation, type 2 diabetes, and arthritis? Achieve all this in six months and while enjoying the delicious eating style of the Nordic Vikings! This is...