When Losing Weight Causes High Cholesterol

When Losing Weight Causes High Cholesterol

Being overweight often goes hand in hand with high cholesterol, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other health issues. So, losing weight should improve all those factors, right? Most often, but not always, says a new study reported at the CMR (Cardiovascular...
Most Pleasurable Way to Cure High Blood Pressure

Most Pleasurable Way to Cure High Blood Pressure

Most of the time when tackling health issues naturally, the healing requires some sacrifice or pain. You may have to give up some foods you love, or exercise more than you would like to. One method, however, proven by a new study from the University of Medical...
A Simple Test To Lower Your Blood Pressure

A Simple Test To Lower Your Blood Pressure

There is one thing you must be able to do if you’re going to have a chance to lower your blood pressure naturally. In theory, this is the easiest thing to do. There is no talent or skill needed. I’ll tell you in one sentence how to do it. And some of our readers will...