These Blood Pressure Drugs Raise Cancer Risk 250%

These Blood Pressure Drugs Raise Cancer Risk 250%

Ask the World Health Organization which health problem is the world’s biggest and they’ll tell you it’s high blood pressure. 1.13 billion people are affected by it, and if they don’t get treatment then they’re looking at a heart attack or stroke at best....
Common Vitamin Heals High Blood Pressure

Common Vitamin Heals High Blood Pressure

Vitamins D and E are seriously good for you, of that there is no doubt. They are proven workhorses which support your health in many ways, and they are great for your cardiovascular health, too. They’re so good that we’ve lost track of the number of times that we’ve...
This Common Nutrient Can Make Exercise Less Heart-Safe

This Common Nutrient Can Make Exercise Less Heart-Safe

“Get more exercise,” is the kind of common wisdom that’s handed out to almost everybody, and particularly for anyone with high blood pressure. But a 2016 article in the American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology could raise...
Stroke Caused By This Widespread New Work Trend

Stroke Caused By This Widespread New Work Trend

We spend at least a third of our lives at work, so scientists have always been interested in the effects of work on our health. The journal Stroke has just published a study that explores the health effects of how we work. And the results are terrifying! Eight hours a...
The Best Music for Your Heart

The Best Music for Your Heart

Swedish pop group Abba is still amazingly popular after nearly 50 years, thanks in part to the success of 2008’s movie Mamma Mia! But do the Swedish supergroup’s songs have the best beat for a healthy heart? The answer will surprise you. A study from Germany has the...