by Christian Goodman | Dec 29, 2019
If we told you that one small vegetable could prevent over a million deaths a year in the US alone, you’d likely think we were off our rockers, right? Well, the truth is this little root vegetable has the power to reduce blood pressure by almost 10 points within the...
by Christian Goodman | Dec 27, 2019
What came first, ED or the stroke? This is not a joke. It’s a question a new study in the European Heart Journal asked. And the results may shock you enough to really get serious about your heart health as well as ED. The researchers recruited 153 patients who had...
by Christian Goodman | Dec 26, 2019
Liver damage, injury causing falls, and chronic headaches (more commonly known as the hangover from hell) are not the only side effects from knocking back your favorite tipple. Some people aren’t affected whilst others face riskier problems. Some people just get silly...
by Scott Davis | Dec 25, 2019
You’re probably aware of many things you can do to minimize the risk of having a heart attack: eat healthy, exercise moderately, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and more. But did you know that heart attacks occur more frequently at a certain time of the day and...
by Christian Goodman | Dec 23, 2019
Typically, this supplement is usually prescribed to women of a childbearing age, as it has been proven to prevent birth defects. However, according to new studies carried out by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, we should ALL (men and women) be...
by Christian Goodman | Dec 20, 2019
Researchers looking to see if a specific type of seed had any effect on blood pressure were recently surprised with what they found – not by the fact that it helps lower blood pressure – but by just how much. We’re talking 15 points, which is more than most dangerous...