Yummy berries protect your heart and arteries

Yummy berries protect your heart and arteries

Scientists from King’s College London have just published a study in the Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics proving that a delicious berry is extremely good for cardiovascular health. These berries clean your arteries and make them more flexible, and can...
Slash Blood Pressure by eliminating ONE ingredient

Slash Blood Pressure by eliminating ONE ingredient

No, we’re not talking about salt. And we aren’t discussing fats. Alcohol? No, again. There is one other ingredient whose consumption has sky-rocketed over the past 20 years. And it’s the main cause of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and even many types of...
This drink cures ED in men with High Blood Pressure

This drink cures ED in men with High Blood Pressure

With prescriptions for ED medications being at peak levels (as are the numbers of men suffering deadly side effects), you’ll be happy to hear that a common, inexpensive drink can be just as effective. Here’s a hint: 85% of Americans drink it every day. Simply drink...