by Scott Davis | Jun 9, 2013 |
A cousin to the common tea rose is being heralded as one of the most powerful and easy-to-find herbal remedies for high blood pressure, dangerous cholesterol, heart disease, and more. And it’s not even anything new; in fact, healers throughout many generations have...
by admin | May 23, 2013 |
In a new research, scientists of Edinburg University discovered previously unknown health benefits from sunlight that lowers blood pressure and tackles heart attack and stroke risk. …and it has nothing to do with vitamin D! This unexpected discovery suggests that the...
by admin | May 21, 2013 |
One of the problems with heart health is that once the problem appears, it takes a great deal of effort to reverse it. Sometimes undergoing surgery or taking dangerous medications for a while are the only options at that point. But how about if you could detect heart...
by Christian Goodman | May 19, 2013 |
If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or even type 2 diabetes, you’ve probably been warned that these conditions could cause serious health issues, such as stroke or heart attack down the road. But what you may not be aware of is that these conditions are...
by Scott Davis | May 14, 2013 |
A Harvard study of over 70,000 partocipants found a link between heart disease and this common practice. The great news is that for once it isn’t linked to what we eat or drink. What else could increase heart attack risk by almost 65 percent? Are you highly productive...