ED Healed By This Side Effect

ED Healed By This Side Effect

If you’re a man who suffers from ED in addition to having high blood pressure, high cholesterol or any other cardiovascular diseases, a new study reveals some promising results. Making some very simple lifestyle changes will not only improve your heart but also boost...
Genetic Cause of ED and How to Counteract It

Genetic Cause of ED and How to Counteract It

Up until now, researchers have believed that ED is generally caused by factors such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, testosterone deficiency, anxiety, certain drugs, and so forth. But for the first time, researchers have now tied it to a specific place in the...
How Healing ED Destroys Eyesight

How Healing ED Destroys Eyesight

Men who suffer the humiliation of ED are often ready to do just about anything to heal it. But one popular approach has been shown to be extremely damaging to your eyesight. In a new study published in the journal Retinal Cases, these damages have been shown to be...
Does ED Stem Cell Treatment Work?

Does ED Stem Cell Treatment Work?

Stem cell treatment has become a modern trend for almost any medical condition, including ED, and increasing amounts of doctors are now offering it as a treatment. But does it actually work? Many animal studies have been quite promising, but at this stage, studies on...
Hidden Cause of ED and How Men Can Heal It

Hidden Cause of ED and How Men Can Heal It

The numbers of men suffering ED is spiking, with no stopping in sight. Some of the underlying causes for this are obvious, such as rise in high blood pressure, cholesterol and, worst of all, type 2 diabetes cases. But there is one sneaky disease that most men are not...