by Jodi Knapp | Mar 25, 2023
A new study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine claims that one type of food is mostly to blame for almost all cases of type 2 diabetes! And you’re most likely eating it every day! Stop eating this food and watch what happens to your diabetes in a few...
by Jodi Knapp | Mar 18, 2023
The traditional medical system has very few options when it comes to neuropathy. A new study published in the Journal Nature revealed how a common acid supplement can drastically slow the progression of neuropathy. You can find this dirt-cheap, over-the-counter acid...
by Julissa Clay | Mar 10, 2023
Diabetes is a disease of the bloodstream caused by high blood sugar and low insulin. Nail fungus is a fungus on the nails that penetrates into toes and fingers. What could possibly be the connection? A very clear cause-and-effect connection was identified in a new...
by Christian Goodman | Mar 9, 2023
ED is an extremely complicated male condition. As it’s becoming more common, new research is being done about its causes and cures. New guidelines on ED that just appeared in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation review the most common causes of ED....
by Scott Davis | Mar 2, 2023
There are many known contributors to acid reflux, such as being overweight and smoking. However, a new study published in the Journal of Inflammation Research reveals a new cause of acid reflux—one that nobody has thought about before. It’s actually a stronger...
by Jodi Knapp | Feb 16, 2023
A new study published in Cureus reveals some devastating effects of neuropathy. That’s the bad news, of course. The good news is that the study revealed simple steps to drastically improve and even reverse neuropathy. The scientists recruited 329 diabetes patients...