Fighting Off Diabetes is Way Easier Than You Think

Fighting Off Diabetes is Way Easier Than You Think

The most common piece of advice on how to combat type 2 diabetes is to lose a lot of weight. This advice has given rise to some insane weight-loss schemes for those with diabetes, such as the “800 calories per day for eight weeks” diet. Fortunately, a new study from...
Type 2 Diabetes Caused by Zero Calories

Type 2 Diabetes Caused by Zero Calories

If you’re suffering from type 2 diabetes, you have probably been advised to avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar. And if you want soda, you should go for the sugar-free variety, right? Wrong, says a new study published in the journal Cell. Not only will these...
This Tea Treats Diabetes (Two Punch)

This Tea Treats Diabetes (Two Punch)

Lots of studies have proven this tea lowers blood glucose. But people suffering type 2 diabetes have another problem. Their intestinal walls tend to be inflamed and perforated, which spreads inflammation around their bodies and compromises their health even further....
Diabetes and Vertigo Connection

Diabetes and Vertigo Connection

Type 2 diabetes is a condition of high blood sugar and insulin resistance. Vertigo is a condition of the balance system. How could one condition possibly lead to another? But it does, at least says a new study in the journal Revista CEFAC which looked at the reasons...
Common Supplement Control Diabetes

Common Supplement Control Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you know how tricky it is to control your blood sugar throughout the day. But that’s all about to change. A new study in BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care reveals how taking a common supplement before meals helps to keep your blood sugar...
This Common Tea Heals Type-2 Diabetes

This Common Tea Heals Type-2 Diabetes

According to a recent study published in the journal Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology, a specific type of tea not only helps people to lose weight but also drastically improves type 2 diabetes. In fact, the effects of drinking this tea were similar to...