This Trendy Green Causes Heart Attack and Stroke

This Trendy Green Causes Heart Attack and Stroke

It’s been banned. People who used it were put in jail. Then they found out it’s a powerful medical plant. It helps with everything from easing pain to improving brain function. Well almost everything—because a new study in the journal Cell reveals that this plant also...
How To Prevent Strokes and Heart Attacks

How To Prevent Strokes and Heart Attacks

It’s a well-known fact that cholesterol plaque buildup in the arteries is dangerous. What fewer people understand is that more dangerous than the plaque buildup itself is when the plaque breaks off and shoots up into the brain (causing stroke) or blocks narrower heart...
Worst Job for High Blood Pressure (Surprising)

Worst Job for High Blood Pressure (Surprising)

The European Journal of Preventive Cardiology recently published a study demonstrating how people with many of the most common jobs were at an increased risk of a heart attack. The results were especially scary for people who already had a pre-existing case of high...
Common Drug Causes Cardiovascular Disease

Common Drug Causes Cardiovascular Disease

This drug has saved countless lives. Almost everyone has used it at some point in their life. But a new study published in the European Heart Journal reveals that this same drug that saves lives can directly cause fatal strokes and heart attacks (especially if you use...
This Vegetable Heals High Blood Pressure In 24 Hours

This Vegetable Heals High Blood Pressure In 24 Hours

Could one common vegetable possibly lower blood pressure significantly in just 24 hours? What new vegetable discovery is responsible and why have you not heard of it? Actually, you have. In fact, this vegetable has been around likely as long as there have been people....
This ‘Unhealthy’ Food Beats Blood Pressure Drugs

This ‘Unhealthy’ Food Beats Blood Pressure Drugs

Many foods that were on the “do not eat” list a few years ago have been researched more- only to find out we should have been eating them all along. One such food in particular has been recently found to reduce high blood pressure by the same amount as taking a dose...