Weird Acid Reflux and Migraine connection

Weird Acid Reflux and Migraine connection

If you suffer acid reflux and migraine, a new study in Neurology Clinical Practice offers an immediate solution. Even if you only suffer from one of those conditions, you should learn what they have to say. The researchers analyzed data from the National Health and...
This vitamin prevents Stroke and Heart Attack

This vitamin prevents Stroke and Heart Attack

If you have high blood pressure, chances are high that one day you’ll suffer a stroke or heart attack. Statistics gathered over decades bear that out. But according to a new study, one vitamin can prevent stroke and heart attack for people who suffer from high blood...
Pleasant Osteoporosis treatment discovered

Pleasant Osteoporosis treatment discovered

Osteoporosis with its weak bones and fracture risk can be caused by many things, like changes in hormones, older age, and our lifestyles. However, most often, doctors can’t explain why someone develops osteoporosis. At a recent University of Colorado Department...
Having this heals ED

Having this heals ED

ED is usually the result of various health issues like heart disease, diabetes, or even mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. A new study published in the Journal of Aging and Public Health has, however, discovered a new factor. One that may play an even...
Diabetic Neuropathy cured with “candy wrapping”

Diabetic Neuropathy cured with “candy wrapping”

A byproduct of one of the most popular candies can lower blood sugar levels as well as leading medications. Like that wasn’t enough, it also significantly reduces neuropathy pain… all naturally. This is according to a recent study published in the Saudi Pharmaceutical...
This plant combats Gout

This plant combats Gout

Gout is caused by excessive uric acid buildup. And the traditional medical system has no cure for it. That’s until maybe now. Because, a new study published in the Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications journal reveals a plant that drastically lowers uric...