This Food Heals Neuropathy

This Food Heals Neuropathy

The internet is full of useless old wives’ tales about treating neuropathy. That’s why a new study in the journal Pain Practice gathered all previous studies on food and supplements for treating neuropathy and produced an exhaustive list of ingredients that actually...
This Flower Heals Type 2 Diabetes

This Flower Heals Type 2 Diabetes

It’s beautiful, smells wonderful, and now, according to a new study in Life Metabolism, it can also heal type 2 diabetes. A few years ago, a team of scientists at the University of Otago made a significant breakthrough in diabetes research. They found that a chemical...
This Prevents Sleep Apnea from Killing You

This Prevents Sleep Apnea from Killing You

Sleep apnea has been associated with severe health risks such as hypertension, heart failure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cognitive decline. But a new study published in the journal Sleep reals an even more terrifying effect of sleep apnea. It accelerates...
Why Chronic Kidney Disease Isn’t Healing?

Why Chronic Kidney Disease Isn’t Healing?

There are many lifestyle changes, such as diet changes, you can make to slow down, halt, or even reverse chronic kidney disease (CKD). You probably know some of them. But if you know what you can do, why isn’t your CKD getting better? A new study published in Kidney...
The Worst Food For High Blood Pressure

The Worst Food For High Blood Pressure

There is one ingredient we all use and need that spikes blood pressure if used excessively. In fact, it’s so dangerous that, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, this one ingredient contributes more to high blood...
Enlarged Prostate Starts in Your Gut

Enlarged Prostate Starts in Your Gut

One of the main reasons that medications for enlarged prostate are so ineffective is that they don’t address its main cause. So, what is the main cause of an enlarged prostate? According to a new study in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, it’s found in...