The Cholesterol and Eggs Debate: Winner Declared

The Cholesterol and Eggs Debate: Winner Declared

Eggs are high in cholesterol, so for decades, doctors have warned against them. But eggs are also delicious, highly nutritious, and very convenient, so you’d maybe want to eat more eggs than your doctor likes. With this in mind, researchers from the University of...
When Losing Weight Causes Osteoporosis

When Losing Weight Causes Osteoporosis

If you’re overweight or obese (and who isn’t these days), you probably consider losing weight as something that is healthy and good. But a study just presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research reveals that losing weight the...
Hypothyroidism Causes This Strange Sleep Disorder

Hypothyroidism Causes This Strange Sleep Disorder

The list of health issues related to hypothyroidism is long. A new study published in Scientific may have added yet another one. And this one may be more serious than any other. Narcolepsy, a chronic sleep disorder marked by overwhelming daytime drowsiness and sudden...
Who Gets Nail Fungus and What Is It?

Who Gets Nail Fungus and What Is It?

Because nail fungus is extremely stubborn and hard to treat, it’s important to know what causes it so you can avoid it. Even if you have nail fungus right now, knowing what to avoid helps treat it. That’s why a new study in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and...
This Enjoyable Activity Defeats Dementia

This Enjoyable Activity Defeats Dementia

The traditional medical system has no solution for Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. There are no drugs that cure it or stop it from progressing. That’s why we celebrate a new study in the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. It reveals how a quite...