This Supplement Makes Cholesterol Levels Skyrocket

This Supplement Makes Cholesterol Levels Skyrocket

Nowadays, almost everyone who’s serious about working out uses supplements to aid their progress. It can be a simple protein shake, creatine, or pure amino acids. But one kind of supplement should be avoided at any cost. A new study by the European Society of...
Chronic Kidney Disease: Why Doctors Ignore This Cure

Chronic Kidney Disease: Why Doctors Ignore This Cure

There is a simple, effective treatment for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Ninety percent of doctors agree that this treatment is effective in slowing down or stopping CKD in its tracks. Yet, they very seldom prescribe it to their patients. Why? A new study published in...
Strange Snoring And Dementia Connection

Strange Snoring And Dementia Connection

Most people who snore loudly have underlying sleep apnea—most often undiagnosed. If you belong to this group, then you’re at a drastically higher risk of developing dementia, according to a new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. The good news...
Do This With High Blood Pressure, but Do It Right!

Do This With High Blood Pressure, but Do It Right!

If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, there is one thing you absolutely must do. It will save your life. According to a study presented at the American Society for Nephrology’s annual meeting in Philadelphia, most people do this in the wrong way, often...
This Plant Cures Arthritis and Type 2 Diabetes

This Plant Cures Arthritis and Type 2 Diabetes

There is no plant like this one. It can be used to improve all diseases. You can make cream out of it to apply to your skin or a tasty juice that works better than most medicine. It has special healing properties for arthritis and type 2 diabetes. It’s also extremely...