Does Aspirin Heal Your Heart Or Not?

Does Aspirin Heal Your Heart Or Not?

If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or pretty much any cardiovascular disease, your doctor has most likely prescribed you low doses of aspirin. It’s a standard treatment that most doctors do without even thinking. But a new study from Japan published in...
Fatty Liver Disease Caused By Eating Healthy

Fatty Liver Disease Caused By Eating Healthy

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, is strongly related to our food and beverage intake, but researchers are still gathering the details. Strangely, according to a new study in BMC Public Health, one specific healthy food may drastically worsen your NAFLD. In...
Chronic Kidney Disease Caused By Common Seasoning

Chronic Kidney Disease Caused By Common Seasoning

A seemingly small habit—adding a common seasoning to our food—might have terrible implications for our kidney health. In fact, according to a new study in JAMA Network Open, it can increase your risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) by a terrifying 11%. Worst of all,...
This Vitamin Eliminates Shingles Pain

This Vitamin Eliminates Shingles Pain

Shingles is a painful inflammatory skin condition. Unfortunately, the long-term pain that sometimes follows it, called postherpetic neuralgia, is even worse. The journal Pain Research and Management has just presented two cases of such patients, for whom intravenous...
Enlarged Prostate Most Popular Treatment Works

Enlarged Prostate Most Popular Treatment Works

Of the thousands of different herbal formulas sold for enlarged prostate, there is actually one that works. That is according to a new study in the latest American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology. Best of all, you can find this herb in all health food...