This Natural Arthritis Treatment Beats Drugs

This Natural Arthritis Treatment Beats Drugs

Arthritis is so incredibly painful and debilitating that most sufferers reach for the strongest pain-relieving anti-inflammatory drugs the moment their doctors offer them. But these drugs are extremely harmful, as these drugs increase blood sugar and cholesterol,...
This Color Cures Gout

This Color Cures Gout

You may never have given the color of your fresh produce a second thought previously. But a new study in the journal Nature Reviews Rheumatology suggests you should. Why? Vegetables and fruits in their natural state contain pigments, with certain pigments being...
Chronic Arthritis Pain Can Be Cured Online

Chronic Arthritis Pain Can Be Cured Online

Arthritis makes everyday activities difficult. Sitting for too long or typing on a computer are just two examples that can be compared to pulling teeth for arthritis sufferers. Forget the pain that sitting in front of the screen surfing the net brings for a moment –...
How Chronic Kidney Disease Is Ruining Your Quality Of Life

How Chronic Kidney Disease Is Ruining Your Quality Of Life

Chronic kidney disease sufferers are okay until they require dialysis or a kidney transplant. Well this is the common view, but new research published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology states something quite the opposite. In fact, it goes...
Eating this Halts Kidney Disease

Eating this Halts Kidney Disease

There are five stages of kidney disease. In stages 1-3, the people may not even realize they’re suffering from a dangerous disease. But when it progresses to stage 5, kidney failure is unavoidable. So, it’s not so much about finding a cure for kidney disease as to...