When Losing Weight Worsens Chronic Kidney Disease

When Losing Weight Worsens Chronic Kidney Disease

The first advice that well-meaning doctors give their overweight patients is to lose weight. But according to a new study in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, this is very bad advice for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). A research team led by scientists...
Common Fruit Reverses Osteoporosis

Common Fruit Reverses Osteoporosis

Repeated studies have revealed that this fruit drastically improves bone health in women. Mostly women have been studied in terms of bone health, as 2/3 of people suffering osteoporosis are women. But how about men? To address this gender inequality and critical...
Osteoporosis Caused by This Trend

Osteoporosis Caused by This Trend

Everyone seems to be doing this these days. Most claim it’s healthy—or at least healthier than the alternative. Everyone who does it swears it’s pleasurable. But a new study in the American Journal of Medicine Open reveals that this is extremely dangerous for...
This Alcohol Causes Arthritis, While Another One Cures It

This Alcohol Causes Arthritis, While Another One Cures It

Like many people, you might be heeding the widely touted advice to consume moderate amounts of red wine for the sake of your heart. But can alcohol affect arthritis? As it turns out, the types of alcoholic beverages you choose to imbibe can, indeed, influence your...