These Plants Shrink Prostates

These Plants Shrink Prostates

Almost all men will suffer an enlarged prostate if they live to be 60, 70 or 80 years old. But this is not inevitable no matter your age. A new study in the journal Molecules reveals two plant essences that together shrink an enlarged prostate naturally and ease other...
Heart Attacks Prevented by Common Vitamin

Heart Attacks Prevented by Common Vitamin

Heart disease and related conditions are a primary cause of death worldwide, and, as populations continue to age, incidence is projected to increase. That’s why we’re thrilled about a new study in the BMJ revealing a whopping 19% drop in heart attack risk if you take...
How Bad Cholesterol Turns Heart-Healthy

How Bad Cholesterol Turns Heart-Healthy

Research into omega-3 fatty acids and heart disease has been a bit confusing. Studies seem to show that these fats can reduce our risk of heart disease, but they also seem to show that omega-3 fats raise low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, usually called “bad...
This Evergreen Heals Enlarged Prostate

This Evergreen Heals Enlarged Prostate

This plant has been used as a home remedy for enlarged prostate for centuries. However, scientists are not always open to researching home remedies. That all changed with a new study in the latest Journal of Ethnopharmacology in which this plant was tested. Metapanax...
Acid Reflux And This Deadly Lung Disease

Acid Reflux And This Deadly Lung Disease

It isn’t difficult to understand why acid reflux causes problems in the esophagus and throat since the acid directly affects those areas. The lungs, however—that’s another story. A new study in the European Respiratory Journal reveals a shocking connection between...