Cholesterol Disaster or Heart Saver?

Cholesterol Disaster or Heart Saver?

Everyone loves this trendy fruit. It has been praised as a superfood that’s good for your heart and overall health and can aid in weight loss. But it’s also rich in carbohydrates, extremely rich in fats, and massively high in calories, so can it possibly be healthy?...
Omega 3s and Heart Health—What We Missed

Omega 3s and Heart Health—What We Missed

We’ve been told for years to eat more omega-3s and less omega-6s to lower cholesterol and improve heart health. But now a new study in the journal Communications Biology has found two huge flaws in the previous research. They put the theory about the omega-3 vs...
Cholesterol and Eggs (Myth Buster)

Cholesterol and Eggs (Myth Buster)

Eggs are a fantastic source of protein and a great alternative to the usual selection of meats, but for the longest time they’ve picked up lots of bad press for their high cholesterol content. Nutritionists and doctors have often warned against consuming more than two...
The Cause And Cure For Enlarged Prostate Discovered

The Cause And Cure For Enlarged Prostate Discovered

It’s surprising how little doctors know about enlarged prostate—especially considering how common it is. The reason may be that most men never seek medical advice and simply suffer in silence till their symptoms have become severe. Therefore, very few studies have...
This Diet Prevents Acid Reflux

This Diet Prevents Acid Reflux

You’ve probably noticed sometimes that eating specific food triggers your acid reflux. Many different food types have been related to acid reflux, including high fat food, high carbohydrate food, tomato, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, citrus fruit, spicy food, acidic...