This Herb Halts Prostate Enlargement

This Herb Halts Prostate Enlargement

Most men believe that an enlarged prostate is something they just have to live with as they get older. After all, the traditional medical system doesn’t have any solution except for very invasive surgery. That may be changing now, with a study in the Journal of...
Cholesterol and Red Meat (A Shocking Study)

Cholesterol and Red Meat (A Shocking Study)

For decades, scientists have been telling us to eat less red meat because it is supposedly rich in saturated fats, which cause high cholesterol. But new research from the University of Nottingham published in Food & Function puts this claim to the test. And the...
Enlarged Prostate’s Worst Symptoms (hidden)

Enlarged Prostate’s Worst Symptoms (hidden)

Enlarged prostates constitute a widely misunderstood condition. For example, nighttime urination is considered to be one of its worst symptoms. While that is definitely irritating and tiring, it is not the worst symptom of an enlarged prostate, according to a new...
How Acid Reflux Messes with Your Mind

How Acid Reflux Messes with Your Mind

Acid reflux is a disease of the guts. It’s usually considered to be uncomfortable but not dangerous. Depression is a disease of the mind, and it’s one of the most fatal diseases that humans face. So how can “innocent” acid reflux cause fatal depression on a massive...
The ONE Oil That Heals Heart Disease

The ONE Oil That Heals Heart Disease

Despite this oil being praised as a miracle drug, the scientific world is relatively mixed in its opinions. However, a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association proves without a doubt that this cheap oil drastically reduces the risk of heart...