This Bad Habit Causes Psoriasis

This Bad Habit Causes Psoriasis

WebMD claims no one really know what causes psoriasis – and there are some that actually believe this. But to cure something, we need to know where it came from in the first place. So naturally, we welcomed new research that was published in the Journal Of The...
How Hypothyroidism Destroys Family Planning Dreams

How Hypothyroidism Destroys Family Planning Dreams

Conceiving doesn’t come easy to all couples. There are many people out there with fertility problems that make it difficult to fall pregnant. There are some clear explanations about a person’s fertility issues, but then there are some that remain a mystery. Now...
Hypothyroidism Destroys This Essential Activity

Hypothyroidism Destroys This Essential Activity

With no obvious symptoms that scream ‘Subclinical hypothyroidism’, it may not appear as serious as it actually is. But according to a recent study in the journal Risk Management and Healthcare Policy it’s negatively affecting one thing you really need each day! Sleep...
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Cured With This Protein

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Cured With This Protein

Almost one quarter of all adults suffer from some degree of non-alcoholic fatty liver. This can be fatal if left untreated. 25 percent is huge, which is why it’s imperative we get to the bottom of it and find out why. A study in the latest edition of the journal Cell...
Hypothyroidism Is Deadlier Than You Think

Hypothyroidism Is Deadlier Than You Think

Hypothyroidism – it increases the risk of premature death, fact! But this has only been a recent discovery. Until now, the link between hypothyroidism and premature deaths has received mixed reviews, but a recent review published in The Journal of Clinical...