Common Meds that Spike Your Blood Pressure

Common Meds that Spike Your Blood Pressure

Pain is a known cause of high blood pressure. The body responds to long-term pain the same way that it responds to sudden injury: it raises your blood pressure. So, it doesn’t help when the meds you’re taking for the pain cause your blood pressure to spike as well....
How Your Time Zone Hurts Your Sleep

How Your Time Zone Hurts Your Sleep

Before clocks were a thing and artificial light hadn’t been invented, the setting sun was our bodie’s biological trigger, the thing that told us it was almost time for bed. Our bodies responded by producing more melatonin to make us drowsy from the moment the sun went...
15 Points off your blood pressure score – easy!

15 Points off your blood pressure score – easy!

High blood pressure needn’t be hard work. You may think you need to follow a restrictive diet that leaves you miserable and hungry, or work yourself on a treadmill until you collapse in a pool of sweat. But a new study shows that you can leave all of that stuff to the...
This Ancient Practice Beats Blood Pressure Meds

This Ancient Practice Beats Blood Pressure Meds

They can’t compete. Modern meds can often achieve good results in some areas, but when it comes to blood pressure reduction, there’s an ancient practice that’s fun, safe, and it leaves you feeling great, so without tablets, and without side effects, unless you count...