Moderate Amounts of This Drink Kills Your Brain

Moderate Amounts of This Drink Kills Your Brain

Everything is good in moderation, right? Not so much, says a new study published in the journal BMJ. In fact, drinking this common drink in “moderation” (often highly recommended by health experts) can drastically decrease your brain health and cognitive function over...
This Herb Drops High Blood Pressure 19 Points

This Herb Drops High Blood Pressure 19 Points

This could be considered the most powerful heart herb on earth. And you most likely have it sitting in your kitchen cabinets already. In a study published in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, not only did it drop participant’s blood pressure 19 points...
ED Caused By This Entertainment (Stop It)

ED Caused By This Entertainment (Stop It)

Almost all men indulge in this entertainment at some time. And a little bit of it is no problem. But a study just presented at the European Association of Urology Congress reveals that doing it a lot will destroy your love life and cause ED. It is difficult to talk...
Vertigo and Anxiety Both Eliminated in One Blow

Vertigo and Anxiety Both Eliminated in One Blow

Over half of people suffering vertigo also experience anxiety or panic attacks, and researchers started to wonder if one leads to the other. In a new study published in the International Journal of Research Science and Management, a team of scientists used a simple...
This Gut Issue Increases Alzheimer’s Risk by 600 %

This Gut Issue Increases Alzheimer’s Risk by 600 %

Gut health is usually not on the long list of risk factors when it comes to dementia. But according to a new study from University of California at San Francisco and Taipei Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan, it should be. One specific gut health issue (you may not...