Your home or office may be following all building and health regulations and still be the main cause for your chronic kidney disease (CKD).
This is according to a new study in JAMA Internal Medicine.
You absolutely must test for this if you suffer CKD so it won’t get worse. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to do as we explain in today’s article.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that a small amount of lead in our household water is not a health risk.
But, this new study suggests that the “safe” amount is actually dangerous for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
People with CKD are particularly vulnerable to metal poisoning. This is because their bodies tend to absorb more metals from the environment and have a difficult time excreting them. Lead exposure can worsen anemia, a common issue in CKD. It can also cause high blood pressure, memory problems, abdominal pain, muscle and joint pain, and headaches.
Given all this, researchers conducted a detailed analysis to see whether the levels of lead commonly found in US household water could affect individuals with advanced kidney disease.
For the study, they recruited 6,404 patients beginning dialysis at various outpatient facilities between 2017 and 2021.
They first measured the lead levels in the patients’ household water. Then they tested their patients’ hemoglobin levels and amount of treatment they needed for anemia. Hemoglobin is the red protein in our blood that transports oxygen and nutrients around our bodies.
Their study turned up some concerning facts.
1. 12% of the patients had detectable levels of lead in their household water.
2. Patients with higher lead levels in their water had a 15% higher risk of needing the maximum dose of anti-anemia treatment, called erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA).
3. There was a slight increase in the monthly resistance index of those exposed to lead, indicating that their bodies were less responsive to ESA treatment.
4. Higher lead levels were linked to lower hemoglobin concentrations, especially in patients with anemia.
This shows the importance of stricter regulations of household water quality, especially for vulnerable populations like those with CKD. The health impacts of lead, even at low levels, can be significant for this population group.
Until your government starts taking these important steps for you, you will have to take responsibility for it yourself. Luckily, it is not too difficult.
First, test your household water for lead. There are affordable testing kits available, or you can hire a professional. Professionals are useful, because they might be able to check whether the lead comes from the water itself or from old lead pipes in your home.
Next, if your water tests positive for lead, you need a water filter to remove it. The cheapest types of filter are activated carbon and Ion Exchange filters, which require relatively frequent filter replacements. They may not be as effective as reverse osmosis systems.
A reverse osmosis system is fairly expensive and usually need to be professionally installed, but it covers your whole home.
Then, you can feel more confident that you aren’t accidentally worsening your kidney health just by drinking water or cooking your food.