Common Drink Treats Diabetes and Its ComplicationsMetabolic syndrome is the precursor to diabetes. It involves obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, moderately high blood sugar, and the beginnings of some insulin resistance.

If this condition is not nipped in the bud immediately, it will progress to full blast type II diabetes.

New research presented by the Institute for Scientific Information reveals how one common drink (most of us love) will not just treat type 2 diabetes but also all the complications associated with Metabolic syndrome as well.

This research was presented in Dublin at the 13th European Nutrition Conference organized by the Federation of European Nutrition Societies.

The researchers reviewed many large studies.

Moderate coffee drinkers were less likely to have high blood pressure and other forms of cardiovascular disease. It also reduced their subject’s risk of dying prematurely.

Regarding obesity and cholesterol, the effects of coffee were weaker, but some studies concluded that coffee could help mitigate these components of metabolic syndrome too.

Professor Grosso suggested that coffee might exercise its beneficial effects through the polyphenols it contains, since his research reached the same findings regarding the metabolic syndrome when they tested nuts and tea together with coffee. Phenolic acids and flavonoids were the two main ones.

Coffee alone will not fend off metabolic syndrome and diabetes, but if you combine up to four cups a day with exercise and a diet low in refined grains and sugar, you are on the right track.

So, if coffee is not enough, what is? Thankfully, you can prevent (and even cure) your diabetes by following these 3 steps, starting today…