These Beans Reverse Diabetes and Drop Blood Pressure

These Beans Reverse Diabetes and Drop Blood Pressure

A study recently published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that specific types of beans can drastically improve type 2 diabetes and lower blood pressure. They’re widely available everywhere either fresh, roasted or as a supplement. And if you want a milder...
How Resting Causes Stroke (this is truly surprising)

How Resting Causes Stroke (this is truly surprising)

Often, doctors recommend people who are at heightened risk of stroke get some rest, better sleep, and not to overwork. This may, however, be faulty advice according to a new study from the University of Cambridge. In fact, getting more rest may actually increase your...
This Increases High Blood Pressure Risk 400 %

This Increases High Blood Pressure Risk 400 %

A 400% rise in the risk of having high blood pressure is worse than smoking, having type 2 diabetes, genetic variation, or just about any other factor. This risk factor discovered by researchers from Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine will completely...
When Losing Weight Causes High Cholesterol

When Losing Weight Causes High Cholesterol

Being overweight often goes hand in hand with high cholesterol, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other health issues. So, losing weight should improve all those factors, right? Most often, but not always, says a new study reported at the CMR (Cardiovascular...