Can Your Birth Month Cause Death and Heart Attack? (Surprising study)This is no mumbo jumbo study.

It’s based off reliable research from Columbia University Medical Center and published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, and it covers data taken from over 1.7 million people.

The bottom line is that your birth month is a huge indicator on whether you’ll suffer from a heart attack or not.

It’s been long known that birth months play a vital role is several diseases. Asthma is one of the most researched and most easily explained. In the summer months, there are more dust mites, a major cause of asthma.

But for heart health, how does your birth month affect your heart later in life?

Those born in late winter or early spring were at the highest risk of heart diseases, normally peaking in March. This can partly be explained by lack of sunshine during these months, which may lead to a lack of vitamin D (a core vitamin for heart health).

People born in the first half of the year had a tendency to die earlier than those born in the second half of the year, with May having the shortest life expectancy and October shows the longest lifespan.

Now this does not mean that you’re doomed if you’re born in a specific month or have a homerun just because you were born in October.

Only a small percentage of people (researchers estimate one in forty) are significantly affected by this as lifestyle choices later in life have a much greater influence. There is nothing you can’t do something about.

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