To Lower Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Bake This Way

To Lower Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Bake This Way

Baked goods are usually not considered to be very good for cholesterol and blood sugar. But a recent study published in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science has found a way to eat your cake and lower your cholesterol and blood sugar as well. And...
9 Foods That Prevent Stroke

9 Foods That Prevent Stroke

Academic researchers have found two minerals to be particularly effective at reducing the risk of stroke. These are especially powerful at reducing this risk for people who struggle with high blood pressure. There are nine tasty and cost-effective foods that contain...
9 Foods That Prevent Stroke

9 Foods That Prevent Stroke

Academic researchers have found two minerals to be particularly effective at reducing the risk that you will suffer a stroke. They are especially powerful at reducing this risk for people who struggle with high blood pressure. There are nine tasty and cost-effective...